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Sounds Of The South
Artist: Various artists- The Banks of the Arkansas / Wave the Ocean
- Hen Duck
- The Farmer's Curst Wife
- Boll Weevil Holler
- Jesse James (Instrumental)
- Jesse James - Instrumental
- Jesse James
- Kenny Wagner
- Trouble So Hard
- Baptizing Scene
- Is There Anybody Here That Love My Jesus
- Windham
- Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
- Come On, Boys, Let's Go to the Ball
- Join the Band
- Lucky Holler
- I Be so Glad When the Sun Goes Down
- Cotton Eyed Joe
- Big Tilda (Instrumental)
- Big Tilda - Instrumental
- Jennie Jenkins
- John Henry
- Rosewood Casket
- Silly Bill (Instrumental)
- Big Ball in Boston
- Chilly Winds (Instrumental)
- The Old Hickory Cane
- John Brown
- Poor Ellen Smith
- Shady Grove
- Jim and John
- The Wild Ox Moan
- Been Drinkin' Water out of a Hollow Log
- All Night Long
- Shake 'Em on Down
- Levee Camp Reminiscence
- Chevrolet
- Levee Camp Holler
- Eighteen Hammers
- Drink on Little Girl
- Drop Down Mama
- Boogie Children
- She Lived Her Life Too Fast
- Sittin' on Top of the World
- Cool Water Blues
- She Don't Love Me That Way
- Stop Breaking Down
- Joe Lee's Rock
- Bullyin' Well
- When You Get Home, Write Me a Few Little Lines
- Red Cross Store
- Forrest City Jump
- Death, Have Mercy
- I Want Jesus to Walk with Me
- Jesus Is Real to Me
- I Love the Lord
- A Sermon Fragment
- I'm Going Home on the Mornin' Train
- Power
- On That Rock
- Jesus on the Main Line
- I'm Gonna Sail Like a Ship on the Ocean
- Blow Gabriel
- What Do You Think About Jesus (He's All Right)
- Tribulations
- When I Get Home
- The Poor Wayfaring Stranger
- Baptizing Down by the Creek
- Sermon and Lining Hymn
- Antioch
- Calvary
- Please Let Me Stay a Little Longer
- Father, Jesus Loves You
- Lonesome Valley
- Father Adieu
- The Old Country Church
- The Cabin on the Hill
- Johnson's Old Gray Mule
- My Little Rooster
- Whoa Mule
- Frog Went A-Courtin'
- Glenn's Chimes
- Chick-A-Li-Lee-Lo
- Old Joe Clark (Instrumental)
- Go Tell Aunt Nancy
- Train III
- Johnny Cuckoo
- Mama Buy Me a Chiney Doll
- Soldier, Soldier
- Mary Mack
- Hambone
- Banging Breakdown
- Green Sally, Up
- Sometimes
- The Arkansas Traveler
- Paper of Pins
- The Little Dappled Cow
- Go to Sleep Little Baby
- Paddy on the Turnpike
- Jimmy Sutton
- Liza Jane
- Oree
- Train Time
- Freight Train Blues
- This Little Light of Mine
- Motherless Children
- Little Moses