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Album Tracks
Our Lady of Kibeho
Artist: Various artists- Our Lady Visits Rwanda
- The Road to Heaven
- Song: Our Lady of Kibeho, Mother of the Word
- Our Blessed Mother's Love for You
- Be a Missionary
- Messages for the Youth
- Defeat Satan
- Song: Ibisiza N Imisozi (The Valleys
- Trials and Sufferings
- Signs and Miracles
- Song: Amen
- The Story of the Genocide
- A Call to Conversion
- Song: Ave Maria
- Messages of Jesus
- Prepare Yourself
- Song: Mariya N'umubyeyi W'imana (Mary Is the Mother of God)
- Reflection
- Closing
- Disc 2: Introduction
- Disc 2: Interview With Immacul?e
- Song: Dusingize I Imana (Praise God)
- Disc 2: Conclusion
- Disc 3: Introduction
- Rosary of the Seven Sorrows
- Song: Mother Mary, Speak to Us
- Disc 3: Final Blessing
- Disc 3: Closing
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