Come unto me, just come unto me,
Come unto me, just come unto me.
Come unto me, all who are thirsty, and I will give you life,
I will give you life, I will give you life,
Come unto me, all who are weary, and I will give you peace,
I will give you peace, I will give you peace.
Just come unto me, just come unto me,
Come unto me, just come unto me.
Come unto me, all who are thirsty, and I will give you life,
I will give you life, I will give you life,
Just come unto me, all who are weary, and I will give you life,
I will give you peace, I will give you hope.
Just come,
Just come unto me,
Just come unto me.
Just come,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.