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Due to lack of resources, we regret to say that we are yet to add the lyrics of this song. If the lyrics is not provided with the official release of a song/album, we usually transcribe them to provide lyrics references as soon as possible. We have a very long list of songs that without lyrics. To help us determine which song to prioritize, kindly LIKE this page or leave a facebook comment at the bottom of this page.
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
![Karrionic Hacktician Album Artwork](
Karrionic Hacktician
Artist: Vomitorial Corpulence- Self Extinction
- Divine Emperor
- Prodigal Son
- The Answer to Life Is
- Baptised Into Death
- Once and Once for All
- Hammering Satan s Head
- Going Against the Grain
- Suffering the Aftermath
- Provider of All
- Blood Bath Cleansing
- Your Choice
- Well of Happiness
- Embrace the Afterlife
- First You Suffer Then You Die
- Human Slaughter House
- Eternal Majesty
- Dust to Dust
- Demonic Decapitation
- Human Platter Menu
- Bludgeoned to Death
- Sugical Disgorgement
- Analysis Complete
- Zion
- Unseen Battle