Stories of rape, murder and violence.
Makes you wonder, what are they for'
Uzziah killed for trying to save the ark. (2 Samuel 6:6-8)
Nadab and Abihu burned alive for offering strange fire. (Leviticus 10:1-2)
Elisha calls bears to maim 42 children. (2 Kings 2:23-25)
God incites David to take a census and 70,000 die. (2 Samuel 24:1-17)
Don't forget Noah's drunkenness, (Genesis 9:20-25)
or the incest of Lot's daughters. (Genesis 19:30-36)
The rape of Dinah, (Genesis 34:1-31)
or the sacrifice of Jephtha's only child. (Judges 11:34-40)
What is the purpose of such stories'
What function do they serve'
Do you feel encouraged or edified'
or just compelled to ask, why'