Song Lyrics
Music Video
Isimo sami asisoze
(My circumstance will never)
Sayicindezel’ injabulo yami
(Supress my joy)
Isimo sami asisoze
(My circumstance will never)
Sayicindezel’ indumiso yami
(Supress my praise)
Noma kumnyama noma kukhanya
(In light, in darkness)
uThixo ufanelwe, ufanelw’ ukubongwa
(God is worthy, worthy to be praised)
Noma kwehlela, noma kwenyuka
(Through the good, through the bad)
uThixo ufanelwe, ufanelw’ ukubongwa
(God is worthy, worthy to be praised)
Mbonge Mbonge
Mbonge Mphefumulo wami
(Praise Him o my soul)
Music Video
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Album Tracks
Seasons, Vol. 2
Artist: We Will Worship- Mbonge (Live)
- Nguwe (Reprise) [Live]
- Breathe on Us (Live)
- Even Though (The Exodus) [Live]
- We Love Your Presence (Spontaneous) [Live]
- Thula Thula (Hush My Soul) [Live]
- A Little Longer (Spontaneous) [Live]
- The World Can Wait (Live)
- I Belong to You (Spontaneous) [Live]
- Konke (Live)
- Konke (Reprise) [Live]
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