I walked down to the well,
To draw water as I do each day
And I saw a Jewish man there
And I turned my eyes away
They never speak to us.
But He said 'Give Me a drink'.
And I heard no judgment in His voice
So I said 'How is it that You
Ask for a drink from me, a Samaritan woman''
And He said 'If you knew the gift of God
And who it is who speaks to you
You would be asking me
And I would give to you
Living water'.
I looked into His eyes
I was surprised to see compassion
So I said 'Sir I have nothing to draw with
Where do you get this Living water''
He said 'Those who drink my water
Will never thirst again
its springs into life that never ends'.
Those who drink My water
Will never thirst again.
It springs into life that never ends.
Then He told me all about my broken life
Things He could not have known
And there was healing in His voice
And a power that flowed like oil
Came over me.
I gasped; I clutched at the well
As I realized who He must be
I said, 'I know a Messiah is coming'
He said, 'I who speak to you am He'
And those who drink My water
Will never thirst again.
It springs into life that never ends
Those who drink My water
Will never thirst again.
It springs into life that never ends.