Lord, we come with our hearts wide open
Lord, we know You have made us one.
Lord, we are waiting, anticipating,
We are creating a place for You.
(Repeat Verse)
My desire... is to see...
A move of God... a move in me.
My desire... is to do...
All the things... You're showing me.
Let us create... create a place...
Releasing faith... for God to move.
So we will see... the power of God...
And we will know... that He is God.
(Verse -> Chorus)
Let us create... create a place...
Releasing faith... for God to move.
So we will see... the power of God...
And we will know... that He is God.
You're my desire...
My desire... is to see the hand of God
Begin to work in our lives.
[Spoken interlude]
Just let me exhort to you a little bit right here.
In the 10th chapter of John,
Jesus said something that astounds me.
He said: "If I don't do the works,
Don't believe a thing I say."
The Pharisees were looking for a sign,
And He called them
"A faithless and perverse generation."
But to the people that surrounded Him
And followed Him,
He said to them, "If I don't do the works,
Don't believe a thing I say."
Where is the church that can step up and say:
"If you don't see demonstrated,
Don't believe a thing I say"'
I've got an expectation to see the supernatural
In the presence of the Lord!
I really want to see... (3x)
And if I don't do the works,
Then you don't believe a thing I say.
But I decided to step up to the plate,
And declare: nothing happens
Until something is spoken!
You can stand on the promise! (2x)
And release (4x)
Oh God!
Come on, can You in faith say this:
[Sung, worship leader ad lib]
We release the supernatural (~20x)

Artist: William McDowell- Arise Intro
- Arise
- Wait
- Spoken
- Overcomer
- I Give Myself Away / Yes
- The Sound Part 2
- Standing
- I Won
- I Have A Promise Standing Reprise
- You Are God Alone
- I Belong To You
- I Surrender All
- Song Of Intercession
- Minstrel s Selah
- Minstrel's Selah (Interlude)
- Song of Intersession Intro
- Song of Intersession
- My Desire
- Waiting
- Wait Waiting Reprise
- Song Of Intercession Intro
- The Presence Of The Lord
- All I Want Is You
- Minstrel
- In
- Place Of Worship
- I Give Myself Away Yes
- I Have A Promise (Standing Reprise)
- I Won t Go Back
- Never Going Back (I Won
- Never Going Back I Won t Go Back Reprise