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Album: Classic Hymns of Patriotism and Thanksgiving
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"Soldiers of Christ Arise (3 vs. C)"
by Worship Service ResourcesAlbum: Classic Hymns of Patriotism and Thanksgiving
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Album Tracks
Classic Hymns of Patriotism and Thanksgiving
Artist: Worship Service Resources- Abide with Me (4 vs. E Flat)
- Abide with Me
- America the Beautiful (4 vs. B Flat)
- America the Beautiful
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (4 vs. C)
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Battle Hymn of the Republic (4 vs. B Flat)
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Be Still My Soul (3 vs. E Flat)
- Be Still My Soul
- Come, Ye Thankful People Come (3 vs. F)
- Come Ye Thankful People Come
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save (3 vs. C)
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save
- Faith of Our Fathers (3 vs. G)
- Faith of Our Fathers
- For the Beauty of the Earth (4 vs. G)
- For the Beauty of the Earth
- God of Our Fathers (3 vs. E Flat)
- God of Our Fathers
- Lead on O King Eternal (3 vs. C)
- Lead on O King Eternal
- Let All Things Now Living (2 vs. F)
- Let All Things Now Living
- My Country
- My Country 'tis of Thee
- Now Thank We All Our God (3 vs. F)
- Now Thank We All Our God
- O God Our Help in Ages Past (4 vs. B Flat)
- O God Our Help in Ages Past - Live
- Onward Christian Soldiers (3 vs. E Flat)
- Onward Christian Soldiers
- Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart (4 vs. F)
- Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart
- Soldiers of Christ Arise (3 vs. C)
- Soldiers of Christ Arise
- The Star-Spangled Banner (1 vs. a Flat)
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- We Gather Together (3 vs. B Flat)
- We Gather Together
- We Praise Thee O God Our Redeemer (3 vs. C)
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