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Contra Mundum
Artist: Wrath and Grace- Intro Contra Mundum
- Way of Kings (feat. Omri, Braille, Tony Rueda
- Way of Kings
- Relay (feat. Stlien, Joshua Kriese
- Relay
- Metamorphosis (feat. Jodie Jermaine, Orlando Aska
- Metamorphosis
- Tell Them What the Bible Says (feat. Dispy Day Dreamin
- Tell Them What the Bible Says
- Se7en (feat. Reformanda)
- Se7en
- Hallelujah (feat. Eshon Burgundy, Newselph, Evident SDG, Aleon, Joshua Kriese
- Hallelujah
- Through the Storm (feat. Gil Vargas
- Through the Storm
- Wanna Be There (feat. Ian Buchanan, Marrio Esco
- Wanna Be There
- Suge of CHH (feat. Christcentric
- Suge of CHH
- Sauce (feat. Stlien, Kris Noel
- Sauce
- Facts TOO (feat. Aleon, Stlien, Timothy Brindle
- Facts TOO
- Stop Playing Games With God (Skit)
- Gangsta (feat. Aable, Mission
- Gangsta
- Incommunicable (feat. Omri
- Incommunicable
- Mechta (feat. Iron Will, John Navi, Omri,
- Mechta
- Outro Warning 2 CHH
- A Christian Home (feat. Jahnavi
- A Christian Home