Such a lifeless way of existence. Oh what a lifeless way of existence. Toiling to serve what is sold. Striving for an image the media has sold. Such a lifeless way of existence. Oh what a lifeless way of existence. We buy because we are told. Deny the true selves that we hold. But I wanna be stolen. Waiting for the thief in the night. Light is the only answer. My only truth in darkness night. Sun beam fresh water. Thirst meets its maker. Blessed be. For the taker. This debt has been paid. For the taker. This debt has been paid. For your debt has been paid. Let it be proclaimed wherever there is sound. But I wanna be stolen. Waiting for the thief in the night. Light is the only answer. My only truth in darkness night. Sun beam fresh water. Thirst meets its maker. Blessed be. For the taker. This debt has been paid. For the taker. This debt has been paid. For your debt has been paid. Let it be proclaimed wherever there is sound. To follow you is a loaded gun to my head. To follow you is a loaded gun. My Love/My Lord.