""Ode to Joy" from Beethoven Symphony 9"
by Barrymoore Chamber OrchestraAlbum: "Ode to Joy" Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Pachelbel
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"Ode to Joy" Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Pachelbel
Artist: Barrymoore Chamber Orchestra- "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven Symphony 9
- "Fur Elise" Beethoven Piano Solo
- Pachebel Canon In D
- "Bach Double Concerto" In D Minor Slow Movement
- "Greensleeves" (What Child Is This)
- Mouret's Rondeau
- Vivaldi Guitar Concerto In D Minor (Largo)
- Purcell Trumpet Tune
- Handel's Air from Watermusic
- Bach's "Air On the G String"
- Vivaldi Four Seasons Allegro from Spring
- "Panis Angelicus" Lord Most Holy
- Sheep May Safely Graze, J.S. Bach
- Pachelbel Gigue In D Major
- Handel Pifa from the Messiah
- Aria from Handel's Water Music
- Charpentier Te Deum
- Mozart Ave Verum
- Bach's "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring"