You?ve put air inside my lungs, and a voice upon my lips
Put a fire within my soul, and You burned me with Your kiss
But right now I need to know, I need to feel You cover me
For when darkness starts to grow, You’re my only hope for peace
Spirit, Holy Spirit
How I love You, how I love You
Breath of Heaven, lead me to water
For I need You, oh I need You
You are older than the sun, and You’ve walked the ancient seas
Stars they shiver when You speak, mountains tremble as You breathe
For You know my every thought, You are closer than my breath
As You whisper to my soul, You restore my brokenness
Spirit come, awake our souls
Draw us into heaven’s glory
Music Video

Kingdom Come (Live)
Artist: Capital City Music- Joy in Your Waters (feat. Jacob Cantrell)
- Joy in Your Waters (Live)
- Lover (feat. Dion Davis)
- Lover (Live)
- Spirit, Holy Spirit (feat. Rachel Jacques)
- Spirit, Holy Spirit (Live)
- Unto the Lamb (feat. Jacob Cantrell)
- Unto the Lamb (Live)
- Unto the Lamb (Spontaneous) [feat. Jacob Cantrell]
- Unto the Lamb (Spontaneous) [Live]
- All in All / My Jesus (feat. Jacob Cantrell)
- All in All / My Jesus (Live)
- Lean Back (feat. Dion Davis)
- Lean Back (Live)
- Lean Back (Spontaneous) [feat. Dion Davis]
- Lean Back (Spontaneous) [Live]
- Child of God (feat. Rachel Jacques)
- Child of God (Live)
- Met by Love (Wonder) [feat. Jacob Cantrell]
- Met by Love (Wonder) [Live]
- Met by Love (Wonder) [Spontaneous] (feat. Jacob Cantrell)
- Met by Love (Wonder) [Spontaneous] {Live}
- There Is a Cloud (feat. Rachel Jacques)
- There Is a Cloud (Live)
- There Is a Cloud (Spontaneous) [feat. Rachel Jacques
- There Is a Cloud (Spontaneous) [Live]
- O Praise the Name (Anastasis) [feat. Jacob Cantrell]
- O Praise the Name (Anastasis) [Live]