"Unto Thee (Medley) (Live)"
by Joyous CelebrationAlbum: Joyous Celebration 23 - Live at the CTICC Cape Tow
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Joyous Celebration 23 - Live at the CTICC Cape Tow
Artist: Joyous Celebration- UnguJehova UnguThixo (Live)
- Ngamthola (Akekho) (Live)
- Yesu Wena UnguMhlobo (Live)
- Thabang Le Nyakalle (Live)
- Oska Ntsheba Wa Nnyatsa (Live)
- Ingumlilo (Lento) (Live)
- Ndi Online (Live)
- Jesu Akandinakira (Live)
- Njalo Umile (Live)
- Siyabulela (Live)
- Hlala Nami (Wena Ongaguquki) (Live)
- Jeso Waphila (Live)
- Forever You Reign (Live)
- Moya Oyingcwele (Live)
- Bitso La Hao (Live)
- Maye Umphefumlo Wam (Live)
- I Will Wait (Live)
- Unto Thee (Medley) (Live)
- SinoMhlobo (Live)
- Awesome God (Live)
- My Worship (Live)
- Kudelowaziyo (Live)
- Kukhona Iculo (Live)
- Kulomhlaba (Live)
- Shomela Jehova (Live)
- Uyangikhathalela (Live)
- Sebenzeli Zulu (Live)
- Uyamangalisa (Live)
- Yifune INkosi (Live)
- KwaZama Zama (Live)
- Ngimbona Lapha Kimi (Live)
- Kasozabikho (Live)
- Opening Song (Live)