Song Lyrics

Our suffering servant has paid
In pain to cover our shame
Couldn't we carry our cross for Him'
Why are we turning away'
Humanity's wretchedness is here to stay

A seed that falls by the way side
Soon to be devoured and eaten away
That which has fallen upon stony ground
Taketh no root and wiltith away
Do not be chocked as a seed among thorns
To die in the sins of this world
Fall into the good solid grounds of our Savior
And live in the light of His word

Oh generation of vipers
How can you claim to speak of good things'
For out your heart proceeds evil, selfishness, murder and Iniquity

Verily I say unto you,
this generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled
Heaven and Earth shall pass away
But My Word shall not pass away
For as a snare shall it come on to all of them
Who dwell in the face of the whole earth

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