Song Lyrics

How could I st-and here
And watch the sun r-ise
Follow the mountains
Where they touch the sk-y
Ponder the v-astness
And the deeps of the s-ea
And think for a moment
The point of it all
Was to make much of m-e

'Cause I'm just a whisp-er
And You a-re the thund-er

And I want to make, much of You Jesus
I want to make, much of Your love
I want to l-ive today
To give You the praise
That You alone, are so worthy of
I want to make, much of Your mercy
I want to make, much of Your cr-oss
I give You my life
Take it and let it be used
To make m-uch of, Y-ou

And how can I kn-eel here
And think of the cr-oss
The thorns and the whip
And the nails and the spear
The infinite c-ost

To purchase my p-ardon
And bear all my sh-ame
To think I have anything worth boasting in
Except for Your n-ame
'Cause I am a sinn-er
And You are the Savi-or

This is Your love, oh God
Not to make much of me
But to send Your own Son so that we could make much of You
For all eternity

I want to make much of Y-ou
Much of You Jes-us

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