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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Nanyehi-Beloved Woman of the Cherokee (Original Ca
Artist: Various artists- White Wolf On the Horizon (feat. Ben Davis, Bret Norman, Kathy Gillcrist, Michelle Honaker
- Song of the Nunnehi (feat. Bryce Phillips, Lynne Glasco, Michelle Honaker, Anna Richardson
- Stickball Song (feat. Kathy Gillcrist, Michelle Honaker, Emily Schleier, Ben Davis, Bret Norman, Ann
- O Great Spirit
- Battle of Taliwa (feat. Bret Norman, Isaac Beckner, David Fossett, Drake Schaetzle, Sam Brown, Miche
- Donadagohvi
- Little Fellow My Son
- Pass the Whiskey (feat. Bret Norman, Ben Davis
- By the Fire
- This Land Is Not Our Land (feat. Bret Norman
- Nanyehi
- Long Way Over
- The Same Thing (feat. Lynne Glasco, Kathy Gillcrist
- There Will Be Blood (feat. Bret Norman, Isaac Beckner, David Fossett, Drake Schaetzle
- War or Peace
- Pale Moon
- Brave Little Soldier
- Let There Be Peace (feat. Lynne Glasco, Kathy Gillcrist, Emily Schleier, Ben Davis, Bret Norman