Album Tracks
More Voices as One 3
Artist: Various artists
  1. Adore
  2. Be the Light
  3. Behold
  4. Breathe on Me, O Breath of God
  5. Come to Me
  6. Gathered in Your Name
  7. Go Now
  8. I Am the Way
  9. In the Name of the Father
  10. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
  11. Let Your Mercy Wash over Us
  12. Mercy
  13. O God of Love
  14. Sacred Heart Prayer
  15. Set Me as a Seal
  16. Shine the Light
  17. Stain Me
  18. Take Me to the Water
  19. Take, O Lord, And Receive
  20. The Lord Upholds My Life
  21. There
  22. To You, O Lord, I Lift My Soul
  23. Turn Our Hearts Around
  24. We Gather as the Body of Christ
  25. What I Have Done for You
  26. You Are the Light?Let Your Light Shine
  27. Your Love Will Reign Victorious
  28. Mass for the Healing of the World: Penitential Act
  29. Mass for the Healing of the World: Glory to God
  30. Mass for the Healing of the World: Gospel Acclamation
  31. Mass for the Healing of the World: Lenten Gospel Acclamation
  32. Mass for the Healing of the World: Holy, Holy, Holy
  33. Mass for the Healing of the World: We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord
  34. Mass for the Healing of the World: When We Eat This Bread
  35. Mass for the Healing of the World: Save Us, Savior of the World
  36. Mass for the Healing of the World: Great Amen
  37. Mass for the Healing of the World: Lamb of God
  38. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 1
  39. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 2
  40. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 3
  41. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 4
  42. Mass of Rejoicing: Kyrie Eleison
  43. Mass of Rejoicing: Glory to God
  44. Mass of Rejoicing: Holy, Holy, Holy
  45. Mass of Rejoicing: We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord
  46. Mass of Rejoicing: When We Eat This Bread
  47. Mass of Rejoicing: Save Us, Savior of the World
  48. Mass of Rejoicing: Great Amen
  49. Mass of Rejoicing: Lamb of God
Song Lyrics

"You Are the Light?Let Your Light Shine"

by Various artists
Album: More Voices as One 3

Lyrics is not yet available.

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Album Artwork
Album Tracks
More Voices as One 3
Artist: Various artists
  1. Adore
  2. Be the Light
  3. Behold
  4. Breathe on Me, O Breath of God
  5. Come to Me
  6. Gathered in Your Name
  7. Go Now
  8. I Am the Way
  9. In the Name of the Father
  10. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
  11. Let Your Mercy Wash over Us
  12. Mercy
  13. O God of Love
  14. Sacred Heart Prayer
  15. Set Me as a Seal
  16. Shine the Light
  17. Stain Me
  18. Take Me to the Water
  19. Take, O Lord, And Receive
  20. The Lord Upholds My Life
  21. There
  22. To You, O Lord, I Lift My Soul
  23. Turn Our Hearts Around
  24. We Gather as the Body of Christ
  25. What I Have Done for You
  26. You Are the Light?Let Your Light Shine
  27. Your Love Will Reign Victorious
  28. Mass for the Healing of the World: Penitential Act
  29. Mass for the Healing of the World: Glory to God
  30. Mass for the Healing of the World: Gospel Acclamation
  31. Mass for the Healing of the World: Lenten Gospel Acclamation
  32. Mass for the Healing of the World: Holy, Holy, Holy
  33. Mass for the Healing of the World: We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord
  34. Mass for the Healing of the World: When We Eat This Bread
  35. Mass for the Healing of the World: Save Us, Savior of the World
  36. Mass for the Healing of the World: Great Amen
  37. Mass for the Healing of the World: Lamb of God
  38. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 1
  39. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 2
  40. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 3
  41. Mass for the Healing of the World: Eucharistic Prayer for Masses with Children II, Acclamation 4
  42. Mass of Rejoicing: Kyrie Eleison
  43. Mass of Rejoicing: Glory to God
  44. Mass of Rejoicing: Holy, Holy, Holy
  45. Mass of Rejoicing: We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord
  46. Mass of Rejoicing: When We Eat This Bread
  47. Mass of Rejoicing: Save Us, Savior of the World
  48. Mass of Rejoicing: Great Amen
  49. Mass of Rejoicing: Lamb of God
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