Is this called discontent'
Like the meaning behind the father's proud and angry stroll into the church with the mother straggling behind with the child, they both smiled.
When they reached for the door they were happy again.
Grim faces mope about (they ask), "How shall we live today'"
They walk back-first through the crowds in rooms, looking only for a faster way to advance and pay, throw the deadliest smiles, such things that will never suffice.
Their spirits cry, "All I want to hear is that I'm ok. But the light burns me."
To these people I owe my greatest apologies, for I have been made aware of their needs but I'm afraid that I might share His disgrace.
In these thoughts the truth is stripped away.
Peeled and peeled away.
But because of His great love, we are not consumed.
His compassions never fail.
His mercies are new every morning.
Great is Your faithfulness Lord unto me (Leviticus 3:22-23).

Artist: Anathallo- A Holiday at the Sea
- Declared Bannered
- Don t Kid Yourself You Need a Physician
- Aaron Held His Peace
- To Gary and Marcus The Sovereignty of God Is Omnipresent
- Fugue 24
- A Song For Christine
- I Thought in My Heart
- Sparrows
- Just Because You Can t See the Sun Doesn t Mean It s Not Shining
- To Renew Cause to Grow or Bloom Again
- At the Lowest Point
- But Without Love
- Snowman
- Mardi Gras
- Luminous Luminescence
- In the Atlas Position