I awoke from a dream.
I was flying home.
The wind wailed on my wings, and my strength was waning.
And I knew wherefrom rescue would come, but I scarcely called.
Then the sun's rays fell upon me there.
Raining, reigning...(and to the ground) a sobering descent.
From the dust I'm sure my voice was heard on desolate heights, weeping (Jeremiah 3:21).
"Break up your fallow ground and do not sow among thorns" (Jeremiah 4:3).
"You shall call me, "My Father," and not turn away from me" (Jeremiah 3:19).
As my Father has cared for me to this end (Matthew 10:29-31), how much more will He care for you'
O Israel, return (Jeremiah 3

Artist: Anathallo- A Holiday at the Sea
- Declared Bannered
- Don t Kid Yourself You Need a Physician
- Aaron Held His Peace
- To Gary and Marcus The Sovereignty of God Is Omnipresent
- Fugue 24
- A Song For Christine
- I Thought in My Heart
- Sparrows
- Just Because You Can t See the Sun Doesn t Mean It s Not Shining
- To Renew Cause to Grow or Bloom Again
- At the Lowest Point
- But Without Love
- Snowman
- Mardi Gras
- Luminous Luminescence
- In the Atlas Position