Parody of "Enter Sandman" by Metallica
(Judges 13-16)
See my hair, it's so long! How'd I get so strong'
There's a clue in this song
I've got you pinned! Always win! Rip you limb from limb
When old Samson is done!
See this one guy only whippin' your Philistines!
Exercise isn't why! Shave my head!
I'll be just another man!
Something's wrong 'cause my might headed south tonight
In the arms of Delilah
She was a thorn in my side, she would nag and cry
And I think she's a spy
Sleepin' when I woke up, in came the Philistines
Exit might! End of sight! Chained my hands!
Took me to another land!
Now they made me blind and weak
They cavort and hold a feast
If I die a foreign slave
Pray the Lord these poles to shake
Watch little pagans! Don't fail me Lord!
They made me blind I'm sure you've heard
Make this a feast they won't forget
Bring their bloodshed on their heads!
Make things right! End their lives! Take a stand!
Take this life! End it right! Take my hands!
Crush them into desert sand! Boom!

The Best of ApologetiX: Used Hits
Artist: ApologetiX- Bethlehemian Raphsody 2001
- The Real Sin Savior
- Story of a Squirrel
- I Love Apostle Paul
- Pray Now Lost Art
- Livin What Jesus Spoke Of
- Learn Some Deuteronomy
- Choirboy
- Jail Got Rocked
- One Way
- Enter Samson
- Kick in the Wall Pt 2
- Put You Down in My Will
- Walk His Way
- Narrow Way to Heaven
- Love Kisses
- Naomi Gonna Be With Ruth
- People
- Bad Dude Risin
- Jacob s Name is Israel