Parody of "Rock and Roll All Night" by Kiss
(Deut. 6:5, Matt. 22:36-38, Mk. 12:28-30)
You know Moses and the things of God
The 10 Commandments and the Jewish laws
You try to find which one's the greatest
You say you wanna know where it is
It's part of Deuteronomy chapter 6
You try verse five; you'll find it baby
You read about it
You need to shout it
I love the Lord with all my might
My heart and everything (4X)
The people came to Jesus Christ for a while
They looked for answers and they liked His style
You tell us, Christ, which law's the greatest'
"Love the Lord with everything you've got,"
Jesus said, "Well, that's My first law
"Do all this while you love your neighbor."
Don't even doubt it
You need to shout it

The Best of ApologetiX: Used Hits
Artist: ApologetiX- Bethlehemian Raphsody 2001
- The Real Sin Savior
- Story of a Squirrel
- I Love Apostle Paul
- Pray Now Lost Art
- Livin What Jesus Spoke Of
- Learn Some Deuteronomy
- Choirboy
- Jail Got Rocked
- One Way
- Enter Samson
- Kick in the Wall Pt 2
- Put You Down in My Will
- Walk His Way
- Narrow Way to Heaven
- Love Kisses
- Naomi Gonna Be With Ruth
- People
- Bad Dude Risin
- Jacob s Name is Israel