Dedicate one to the babies!
In Genesis 17, Abraham was gettin' old
Ah now, Genesis 17, Abraham was gettin' old
But he didn't have a child quite the way God said that he would ... but he finally did
I'm the Isaac man; Poppa was 99 (repeat)
When the Lord told Abram that Sarah and he'd have a child
Well, the Lord said to Sarah, "Did you laugh' This baby'll be your son, too!"
I'm the Isaac man; Poppa was 99 ...
Well, the Lord said Abram, "I'm gonna make Sarah a mom. She'll have a son! (Repeat)
"and if you listen to Me, Abram, there'll be a nation to come
Well, one day it happened; there I was! The promise of the Lord came true
I'm the Isaac man; Poppa was 99 ...
They say all God's babies are guaranteed to come in time

Radical History Tour
Artist: ApologetiX- Bethlehemian Raphsody 1992 Parody of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
- Isaac Man Parody of Ice Cream Man by Van Halen
- Jacob s Name is Israel Parody of Takin Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive
- Judgement Gets Passed Parody of Jumpin Jack Flash by the Rolling Stones
- Check Out The Book Parody of She s Got The Look by Roxette
- Yer Maker Parody of D Yer Maker by Led Zepplin
- I Know a Riddle Parody of I Know A Little by Lynyrd Skynyrd
- I ve Got Elijah Fightin Baal Parody of I ve Got A Tiger By The Tail by Buck Owens
- Not Logs Lincoln Parody of Hot Rod Lincoln by Commander Cody and The Lost Planet Airmen
- Read Ephesians Parody of Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith
- Lazzie Lay Parody of Maggie May by Rod Stewart
- Catch That Fever Parody of Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent
- Triune Godhead Parody of I Can t Get No Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones
- Ignorant Song Parody of Immigrant Song by Led Zepplin
- EZekiel Parody of Suzy Q by Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Virgin Parody of Urgent by Foreigner
- The Sounds of Silas Parody of Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel
- Bad Dude Risin Parody of Bad Moon Risin by Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Life in the Last Days Parody of Life in the Fast Lane by the Eagles
- Midnight Hour Pt 2 Parody of In The Midnight Hour by Wilson Pickett