"Jacob s Name is Israel Parody of Takin Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive"
by ApologetiXAlbum: Radical History Tour
When Jacob was born he took a long time comin'. Took the ankle of his older brother
They were twins, but Jake was later; Esau was his father's favorite
'Cause he spent his time as a hunter
And every single time, Jacob had to wait in line
He started then to strive to get his way
He was just a little boy; he was mama's pride and joy
He loved to work with mother all day
But now, now, Jacob's name is Israel " What'd you say'
Jacob's name is Israel " By the way, I said
Jacob's name is Israel " 'Cause he strived
Jacob's name is Israel " The father of the tribes " All 12
You could read in Genesis how Esau burst into the kitchen
And said, "Jacob, give me some stuff to swallow!"
Jacob said, "Sell me your birthright!" Esau said, "What is it worth right now,
I'm dyin' of hunger; my stomach's hollow!"
And so Esau sold his rights; Jacob later set his sights
Upon the blessing Isaac would pray
He pretended he was Esau, and his father couldn't see so
Jacob stole the blessing and ran away
After 20 years with Laban, well, the Lord spoke to Jacob:
"Take your family with you back to Canaan."
Jacob knew he'd meet his brother as he travelled through the dessert
He was scared, and I wouldn't blame him
And in the night he fought with a Man we think was God
He wrestled with him to the break of day
He took Jacob's hip and knocked it out of joint right at the socket
He blessed him, and He gave him this name

Radical History Tour
Artist: ApologetiX- Bethlehemian Raphsody 1992 Parody of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
- Isaac Man Parody of Ice Cream Man by Van Halen
- Jacob s Name is Israel Parody of Takin Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive
- Judgement Gets Passed Parody of Jumpin Jack Flash by the Rolling Stones
- Check Out The Book Parody of She s Got The Look by Roxette
- Yer Maker Parody of D Yer Maker by Led Zepplin
- I Know a Riddle Parody of I Know A Little by Lynyrd Skynyrd
- I ve Got Elijah Fightin Baal Parody of I ve Got A Tiger By The Tail by Buck Owens
- Not Logs Lincoln Parody of Hot Rod Lincoln by Commander Cody and The Lost Planet Airmen
- Read Ephesians Parody of Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith
- Lazzie Lay Parody of Maggie May by Rod Stewart
- Catch That Fever Parody of Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent
- Triune Godhead Parody of I Can t Get No Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones
- Ignorant Song Parody of Immigrant Song by Led Zepplin
- EZekiel Parody of Suzy Q by Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Virgin Parody of Urgent by Foreigner
- The Sounds of Silas Parody of Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel
- Bad Dude Risin Parody of Bad Moon Risin by Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Life in the Last Days Parody of Life in the Fast Lane by the Eagles
- Midnight Hour Pt 2 Parody of In The Midnight Hour by Wilson Pickett