Upachita-chirachin-mukurita pratibimbita
(You, who are the blossoming of abundant, eternal knowledge, the reflected one)
(Form of the infinite, highest of the high)
Kanaka-kumaari-baalaka bhava-chaalaka
(You, who are the child of the golden virgin, yet ruler of the universe)
Nirguna-gunaabhiraama, Nirguna-gunaabhiraama
(Full of delightful qualities yet beyond comprehension)
Jaya Deva, Jaya Deva, Narahari, Narahari
(Victory to God, Victory to God, the man-God)
Pandita-mandala-mandana bhaya-khandana
(You, who are the radiant gem in the assembly of the pandits, destroying fear)
(With a rod of rebuke, driving out the evil spirit)
Aadhi-vyaadhi-vitaadana para-sevana
(You, who dispel cares and destroy diseases, serving others,)
Paavana-lilaa-khela, paavana-lilaa-khela, paavana-lilaa-khela
(All your works shining with holiness)
Vinivedita-nija-vedana bali-jeewana
(You, who have offered yourself to suffer agony and dishonor,
the sacrifice of your life)
(Destroying the poison of evil within)
Lalita-dayita-hrid-ranjana nayana-anjana
(Desired one, beloved, delight of the heart, soothing ointment for straining eyes)
Sudalita kaala-karaala, kaala-karaala, kaala-karaala
(Victorious crusher of fierce death!)