Mana mera kyu dole re'
(Oh my soul why do you waver')
Naina nee-ra se bhare re
(Oh eyes full of tears)
Moh ban-dhana ne ghera re
(Bound by the fetters of infatuation)
Mana mera kyu dole re'
(Oh my soul why do you waver')
Maharaja biraajey aasana mei
(The king is seated on the throne)
Surya chandra uski gouda dhare
(The sun and moon circling in his lap)
Bhavara se tujhe vahi tare re
(From the whirlpool of your turmoil he will save you)
Mana mera kyu dole re'
(Oh my soul why do you waver')
Kshatra nakshatra uski parikrama kare
(The celestial bodies orbit around him)
Teja ko usake surya namana kare
(Before his brilliance the sun bows in worship)
Gehraai uski ko-i na naapa sake
(No one can measure his depth)
Ishwara mere ati-anan-da, ati-anan-da, ati-anan-da
(The Lord is my very great delight, great delight, great delight)