The crowds were in the streets that day when Jesus came to town
All the synagogue was there and more from miles around
So I asked him home to dinner just to see what I could see
Of this famous local prophet from here in Galilee
And I don't know just how that woman got into the room
But you couldn't miss her gaudy clothes and her strong and sweet perfume.
She went straight to Jesus' feet and stopped and stood right there
Then cried and wet His feet with tears and dried them with her hair.
Now of all the women in my town none was more well known
For the fragrant sin she'd lived in and the wickedness she'd sown.
But He didn't move to stop her -- seemed this phophet couldn't tell
That the woman who was touching Him was the kind they buy and sell.
And I had no idea just what this Jesus planned to do
When he said "Simon, there's something I need to say to you."
So I said "Teacher, if it's on your mind then tell me what you will."
But as He began to speak to me the room grew quickly still
He said "Take a good look at this woman now, in spite of all her fears
She's kissed me and anointed me and washed my feet with tears.
She's honored me and you've been only rude to me instead.
You gave no kiss of greeting, no anointing for my head."
And her sins were red as scarlet and now they're washed away.
The love and faith she's shown is all the price she has to pay
For the depth of God's forgiveness, it's more than you can see
And in spite of what you think of her, she's beautiful to me
Now my anger flamed to hatred, I wanted nothing more
Than to take this prophet by the throat and throw Him out the door
To act like God, forgiving sins, and then speak so to me.
This itinerant from Nazareth in backwards Galilee.
But instead I sat and trembled, shaken to the core
The woman still was weeping as she knelt there on the floor
Jesus turned to her and said, "Your chains have been released
Your faith has saved you from your sins, rise -- walk in peace."
Your sins were red as scarlet but now they're washed away.
The love and faith you've shown is all the price you have to pay
For the depth of God's forgiveness, it's deeper than the sea
And no matter what the world may think, you're beautiful to me.

The Live Concert
Artist: Don Francisco- Since I Met Him I Can See
- Got to Tell Somebody
- Jesus Is the Lord of the Way I Feel
- Steeple Song
- I ll Never Let Go of Your Hand
- Adam Where Are You
- I Don t Care Where You ve Been Sleeping
- Give Your Heart a Home
- Too Small a Price
- Christmas Song
- Come and Follow
- I Could Never Promise You
- Love Is Not a Feeling
- Beautiful to Me
- The Package
- Jehoshaphat
- Closer to Jesus
- He s Alive