Now Jehoshaphat was King in Jerusalem a long long time ago
When the children of Judah all worshiped the Lord from the high on down to the low
And Judah was a wealthy kingdom Everybody's children were fed
Because Jehoshaphat studied the Word of the Lord and did everything He said
But out the east came an army one day after Jehoshaphat's gold
And they were marching right straight to Jerusalem and Jehoshaphat soon was told
So he called all the people together and everyone fasted and prayed
The Lord God answered the people and He said there's no need for you to be afraid
Because the battle is mine tomorrow, it's not yours and it's not the kings
And all you got to do is just stand and watch to see the salvation I bring
Just believe that what I told you is exactly what I'm going to do
And go out tomorrow against them because the Lord's gonna fight for you
Great jumpin' Jehoshaphat
The army rose early next morning marched on out with the king
Jehoshaphat chose some singers, he told them singers to sing
And they praised the beauty of holiness instead of shouting out a battle cry
And all the way down to the enemies camp they sang to the Lord on high
They were singing Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord our God His mercy will never end
The Lord God set up an ambush He got the enemy all turned around
And they started killing each other you know till they all laid dead on the ground
And the riches and the jewels that they left behind it took them three whole days to hall
The children of Judah all praised the Lord because He saved them one and all
They were singing Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord our God His mercy will never end
If the paralle not real obvious now I'll spell it right out for you
When you see trouble comin' to rip you off here's all that you need to do
Pray to your heavenly father and believe that His Word is true
And then step out and shout the salvation of God because He'll win that battle for you
And praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord our God His mercy will never end
It will never end!
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord for His mercy endures forever and ever
Praise ye the Lord our God His mercy will never end

The Live Concert
Artist: Don Francisco- Since I Met Him I Can See
- Got to Tell Somebody
- Jesus Is the Lord of the Way I Feel
- Steeple Song
- I ll Never Let Go of Your Hand
- Adam Where Are You
- I Don t Care Where You ve Been Sleeping
- Give Your Heart a Home
- Too Small a Price
- Christmas Song
- Come and Follow
- I Could Never Promise You
- Love Is Not a Feeling
- Beautiful to Me
- The Package
- Jehoshaphat
- Closer to Jesus
- He s Alive