I don't like the dark much / Or the lonely night
Oh the pain of winter /nothing looks alive
so I am waiting/ for the Dawn to rise
I don't like the dark much
Where the hell of you been / I've looked for u
you told me to call when/ I needed you
you didn't answer/ so I wept again
where the hell of you been
I am done with the hide and seek
will you come, come for me
I'm done with the silent treatment
close up the space between us
If you don't come quick I don't know what I'll happen
In the middle of nowhere / I forgot your name
Everything is chaos/ up in the air
why have you taken and brought me here
to the middle of nowhere
I'm full of agony
Can I get some sweet relief
I can't fight the night
Or tell the sun to shine
If you don't come quick
I don't know what will happen
I'm holding up a candle / I need a light
it's been along time / since I've seen a spark so I keep waiting / for you to arrive
yeah I don't like the dark much
Music Video