To the One who spoke my life into existence
Knew my name before I ever came to be
To the one who formed me out of the ashes
In You I breath (x2)
To the One who pulled me out of the darkness
Raised me up from the grave of my sin
To the One who sent the winds of His Spirit
In You I live
In You I live
Glory, glory my soul sings
To the Holy One, risen King (x2)
To the One who for the joy set before Him
Bore the cross to give eternal hope of heaven
To the One who gave the world its redemption
In You I am
In you I am
Glory, glory my soul sings
To the Holy One, risen King (x2)
You thought of me
Secured my place
You made a way
For when I come
Before the throne
You cover me
And call me Yours
Glory, glory my soul sings
To the Holy One, risen King (x2)