This is hard to say, but I will do my best
To tell it just the way that I remember it
Might not be sugar sweet, might be a little messy
Not who I want to be, but how You found me then//
So I'll tell them who You are, and what You've done for me
When I took it all apart, fallen and fumbling
Your spirit gave me life, illuminated the night
You broke me open wide, to let Your light shine in//
Sometimes You boom like the blast from a cannon
And sometimes You come like the rush of a wave and
Sometimes You move like wind on the water
With barely a sound or a sign that You came
However You come, I am never the same, never the same//
More than a little bit, this passion overwhelms
My very soul within and I've got to let it out
I want to make You known with every breath in my lungs
Until there's nothing more, until the work is done//
Now all I want to do is tell everybody how
Your love has overcome the deepest of my needs and I
Could never quite express the way that you've changed me now
But I will do my best, yes I will do my best