Is there anything more than what we've got right in front of us
Or is this all I'll ever have'
And if I never amount to any more than I am right now
Is this my happily ever end'
Over and over and on repeat the same questions are haunting me
Of what is true, and do I believe'//
Every single heart is waiting for a love, is looking for someone who will not let go
In the deepest part of everything we are, we want to be enough, want our worth to show
More and more I believe that we cannot pretend to be whole//
If He really did come to right the fall, pay once for all of us, take all the burden and the sin
If the curtain was rent, the sky was black, and the spear went in to pour down the last of a covenant
If death was beginning instead of end, then who I am now was determined then//
And when He said 'It is finished' it was finished then
He gave us what we don't deserved and paved the way to righteousness//
Every single heart is waiting for a love, is looking for someone who will not let go
In the deepest part of everything we are, we want to be enough, want our worth to show
Jesus help me believe, 'cause You have done what we could never
And still in my disbelief, for all my questions You the answer
More and more I see You are the only one who makes us whole