In winter homes we s-igh
Beneath the leaves sing I-I need some meaning, in a twinkling
And maples glow as wh-ite
Prospective sweets and l-ight
Sons are bringing, in the yeildings
There is reading, before sleeping
(A-h a-h a-h)
Nighttime where we a-re, and
You covered in plain clothes
Sewing n-eat careful designs
But, what makes you so fearful
Wear a c-oat to cover you
Sing, songs that comfort y-ou sing
Unicornucopia in my, dr-eams
Unicornucopia what I, s-ing
What I s-ing
And we read for the h-ours
Our books become as lamps
For retreating, to our dreaming
The stove brings warmth for d-oubts
The Lord brings us ab-out
To the work of, His own keeping
Part of You speaks, do you need Me
(A-h a-h a-h)
Midnight where we a-re, and
You float for an instant
Through the quarters of an hour
Wood, clocks play songs by instinct
Turn while h-earing words for j-ust You
Sp-oken to rem-ind you
If for an hour for a moment how fleeting this will be
Glances are traded for warmth in the presence of suffering
Of suffering
(A-h a-h a-h)
Morning where we a-re
And, dewdrops lay as mountains
By the k-ettle on the hearth
But, half of me is uncertain
Then an o-ld familiar l-ight keeps, me at rest 'til nightfall
Unicornucopia in my, dr-eams
Unicornucopia what I, s-ing
Na-na na na-na na na
Na-na na na
Na na, na na na

Legacy - Volume One: The White Songbook
Artist: Joy Electric- Chapter 1 The White Songbook
- Shepherds Of The Northern Pasture
- And Without Help We Perish
- The Boy Who Never Forgot
- Unicornucopia
- Chapter 2 Hunter Green And Other Histories
- A New Pirate Traditional
- We Are Rock
- The Good Will Not Be Cloned Or
- Chapter 3 As Children We Are Growing Younger
- Sing Once For Me
- The Heritage Bough
- Chapter 4 A Frog In The Pond
- The Songbook Tells All