I will love you for the cross
And I will love you for the cost
Man of sufferings
Bringer of my peace
You came into a world of shame
And paid the price we could not pay
Death that brought me life
Blood that brought me home
Death that brought me life
Blood that brought me home
And I love you for the cross
I'm overwhelmed by the mystery
I love you for the cost
That Jesus you would do this for me
When you were broken, you were beaten,
You were punished, I go free
You were wounded and rejected
In your mercy - I am healed
Jesus Christ the sinners friend
Does this kindness know no bounds
With your precious blood you have purchased me
Oh the mystery of the cross
You were punished you were crushed
But that punishment has become my peace
Yes that punishment has become my peace
By your wounds I am healed
For the cross, for the cross, for the cross I thank you
Oh Lord, for the cross, for the cross

Artist: Matt Redman- I Need to Get the Fire Back
- Let Everything That Has Breath
- Let Everythig That Has Breath
- One Thing Remains
- What I Have Vowed
- Intimacy
- Hear The Music Of My Heart
- When I Needed A Saviour
- I Am Yours
- The Heart Of Worship
- Now To Live The Life
- For The Cross
- Hallelujah
- Hallelujah Song
- The Prayers Of The Saints
- The Prayers Of The Saints (feat. Matt Redman)
- There is a Louder Shout to Come
- Believer
- Bowing Down
- Deep Calls to Deep
- Pure Pure Heart
- Knocking on the Door of Heaven
- Once Again
- Can We Walk Upon the Water
- Can I Ascend
- The Way of the Cross
- The Yoke is Easy
- The Friendship and the Fear
- In the Waiting