Let everything that,
everything that
Everything that
has breath praise the Lord
Let everything that,
everything that
Everything that
has breath praise the Lord
Praise You in the morning
Praise You in the evening
Praise You when I'm young
and when I'm old
Praise You whem I'm laughing
Praise You when I'm grieving
Praise You every
season of the soul
If we could see
how much You're worth
Your power,
Your might,
Your endless love
Then surely we would
never cease to praise
Praise You in the heavens
Join with the angels
Praising You forever and a day
Praise You on the earth now
Join with creation
Calling all the nations to Your praise
If they could see
how much You're woth
Your power,
Your might,
Your endless love
Then surely they would
never cease to praise
I will worship,
I will worship
I will worship
You with every breath
I will worship,
I will worship
I will worship
You with every breath

Artist: Matt Redman- I Need to Get the Fire Back
- Let Everything That Has Breath
- Let Everythig That Has Breath
- One Thing Remains
- What I Have Vowed
- Intimacy
- Hear The Music Of My Heart
- When I Needed A Saviour
- I Am Yours
- The Heart Of Worship
- Now To Live The Life
- For The Cross
- Hallelujah
- Hallelujah Song
- The Prayers Of The Saints
- The Prayers Of The Saints (feat. Matt Redman)
- There is a Louder Shout to Come
- Believer
- Bowing Down
- Deep Calls to Deep
- Pure Pure Heart
- Knocking on the Door of Heaven
- Once Again
- Can We Walk Upon the Water
- Can I Ascend
- The Way of the Cross
- The Yoke is Easy
- The Friendship and the Fear
- In the Waiting