Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days,
From every nation, all of creation, bow before the Ancient of Days.
Every tongue in Heaven and Earth shall declare your glory,
Every knee will bow at your throne in worship,
You will be exalted, oh God, and your kingdom will not pass away,
Oh, Ancient of Days,
Oh, Ancient of Days.
Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days,
From every nation, all of creation, bow before the Ancient of Days.
Every tongue in Heaven and Earth shall declare your glory,
Every knee will bow at your throne in worship,
You will be exalted, oh God, and your kingdom will not pass away,
Oh, Ancient of Days.
Oh, every tongue in Heaven and Earth shall declare your glory,
Every knee will bow at your throne in worship,
You will be exalted, oh God, and your kingdom will not pass away,
Oh, every tongue in Heaven and Earth shall declare your glory,
Every knee will bow at your throne in worship,
You will be exalted, oh God, and your kingdom will not pass away,
Oh, Ancient of Days,
Ancient of Days,
Ancient of Days.
Ancient of Days,
Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days,
Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days,
Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days,
Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days.

The Power Of Praise
Artist: Petra- Ancient Of Days
- We Need Jesus
- Salvation Belongs To Our God
- Salvation Belongs To Our Lord
- Lord I Lift Your Name On High
- Lord, I Lift Your Name On High
- Jesus Jesus Glorious One
- Jesus, Jesus, Glorious One
- In The Likeness Of You
- I Waited For The Lord
- I Waited for the Lord On High
- I Will Celebrate The Spirit Of The Lord
- I Will Celebrate / When The Spirit Of The Lord
- The Holiest Name
- I Love You Lord
- We Exalt Thee
- I Will Sing Praise
- We Hold Our Hearts Out To You
- Creed