In the likeness of you; recreated, renewed,
Let me awake, forever, in the likeness'
In the likeness of you, whoa.
Now I lay me down to sleep; my heart and soul are yours to keep,
I close my eyes and try to see more of you and less of me,
Jesus, I'm trusting in you,
So, while I'm sleeping, keep me dreaming of when I will awake'
In the likeness of you; recreated, renewed,
Resurrected, by your righteousness, in your likeness,
In the likeness of you, whoa.
Men dream of fortune and fame, making the rules, naming the game,
And men dream of things they can hold - money and power, silver and gold,
Jesus, I'm dreaming of you,
So take me and hold me, and mould me until I am complete.
In the likeness of you; recreated, renewed,
Resurrected, by your righteousness, in the likeness of you,
In the likeness of you, so faithful and true,
Oh, let me awake forever in'.
The likeness of you,
The likeness of you,
Oh, I want to be,
I want to be like you in all I say and all I do,
The likeness of you,
I wanna be, I wanna be just like you,
In the likeness, in the likeness of you,

The Power Of Praise
Artist: Petra- Ancient Of Days
- We Need Jesus
- Salvation Belongs To Our God
- Salvation Belongs To Our Lord
- Lord I Lift Your Name On High
- Lord, I Lift Your Name On High
- Jesus Jesus Glorious One
- Jesus, Jesus, Glorious One
- In The Likeness Of You
- I Waited For The Lord
- I Waited for the Lord On High
- I Will Celebrate The Spirit Of The Lord
- I Will Celebrate / When The Spirit Of The Lord
- The Holiest Name
- I Love You Lord
- We Exalt Thee
- I Will Sing Praise
- We Hold Our Hearts Out To You
- Creed