1st verse
It takes a whole lot to hold your attention span, I mean I gotta be large I'm talking extension - expand/ the invention of plans that are grand and sensational cuz the appetite of man is almost insatiable/ More, not just more but greater than before/ supply the demand/ they command encore/ Now I'm sure I could do a lil' sumn' sumn'/ rock a couple rhymes, do a show, you know something/ I ain't gonna front like God ain't give me nothing', no type of way to display His glory and show Him stuntin'/ But the problem comes when I'm in front of them and they leave wanting me and instead of wanting Him/ Now you can see my dilemma, cuz I am just a man I'll tell loyal fan like Flavor-Flav 'I can't do nothing for you man'/ I mean I can lie like I'm the shot, say I'm hot, and I got what it takes and I make no mistakes and I'm great but I am not.
I'm not gonna pitch me so you can pick me like I got what you need, if you prick me I bleed, I'm just a man/ It's gotta be God
Verse 2
This is reason #73/ not to get hung up on a actor the rapper the pastor the reverend and me
Who ever claims to belong on the throne needs to bring long lasting satisfaction and never leave you alone/ You know those sad and lonely nights/ Your superstar in his sup'd up car aint coming to hold you tight/ he don't even know where you live/ and you ain't goin to see him/ you don't even know where they live/ But they know that out of sight means out of mind/ so they spend mad dough on ads and radio time/ It's like they're tryna be everywhere, everywhere a person can stare/ billboards TV screen, the mirror/ But I ain't playing that game/ saying my name 50 times in one rhyme just so I can remain in your brain/ I don't deserve that kind of mention'n / only God can condescend to be with men and still be omnipresence
If you come to the show/ go wild go hard but don't go all out for me go out for God/ I'm not worth it I'm not worthless He did purchase me but only He's worth your worship
Verse 3
The fact of the matter is/ there's really nothing the matter with being enamored with someone who has a gift/ this is only hazardous if he's asked to perform a task for which he's really not adequate/ like giving you a reason to live cause see if your living for him and then he dies then your reason is history/ now what are you living for/ sudden death strikes and all of a sudden it's like you gotta find a different source for your soul to get attached/ and hope they never let you down but not even Big/ was big enough for that/ you can get a tat/ talking about/ 'he's still alive'/ but like they tell Elvis fans/ fam he really died/ It's only really God/ who has to get this affection/ even after death/ Christ has the strength for resurrection/ so please don't be fooled by all the 'me's'/ it could be he/ she/ another MC or even little old me
Don't that just sound so immature and insecure/ that's not what I'm in it for/ not at all/
Look at them/ take away the video girls and the cars and the flashy clothes and just look at him/ There's no comparison/ none comes near to Him/ come here listen man/ This is the Lord/ the depths and the riches of His wisdom and knowledge are beyond searching out/ He's from everlasting to everlasting/ He dwells in a high and holy place/ this is the Lord who inhabits eternity/ you inhabit a crib/ He inhabits eternity/ we can't match up with Him/ it's got to be God

The Incredible Walk
Artist: Phanatik- B Side
- Psych Check
- Call Shabach Interlude
- Call Shabach (Interlude)
- Me
- Me?
- Shot Clock Brand New Day
- Shot Clock (Brand New Day)
- The AmazinGrace
- Odd Job
- Press On
- The Incredible Walk
- Hip Hop Music
- Hip-Hop Music
- Dirge Defined
- Dirgy Dancing
- Flood Waters Interlude
- Flood Waters (Interlude)
- Grieved Again
- Come Home
- In Here
- R R
- R
- Hope In The Streetz