Straight from the start man was deceived and believed he could defy and deny and so... We are the Body of a sick creation. We are the limbs of an amputee. We are the Children of a dying harlot. We are the harvest of a rotten seed. Throats are open graves. Tongues are full of deceit. Hearts are dens of beasts. All have turned away. Straight from the start one man's fall left us all with a nature that's incapable. The origin of sin has blackened the skies. Rained down pain, death, and disease. The curse of Adam's race return to dust. Covenant broken. All innocence lost. We are the Body of a sick creation. We are the limbs of an amputee. We are the Children of a dying harlot. We are the harvest of a rotten seed. The curse is upon us. Return to the dust..

The Undisputed Truth
Artist: Seventh Star- The Undisputed Truth
- Now At Hand
- World War Three
- Cursed Creation The Fall of Man
- Isaiah Six
- For All The Saints
- Seven
- The World s Solution
- I Versus I
- Overrun Overgrown Overthrown
- Chasing The Wind