Our lives not what they're meant to be. Searching for reality. The world's solution is at the bottom of the bottle. I resist against the grain. Mass markets hit their targets. Aiming down the streets on every corner. Billboards proclaim the glory. Hazing every moment with toxic eyes. Peers and jeers say to grow up and get out. Hedonism foaming out their mouths. Hearts yearn while livers bloat. Pour acceptance down their throats. Alternate reality. Fix the depravity. Blurry eyes constantly. Saturated gluttony. Poisonous commodity. Selling conformity. Perceiving a fantasy. What is seen, contrary. Falling down. Fill it up. Stumble around. Please the crowd. A rising opposition. What's forced in our direction. Veins are clean of their solution. They'll still scream. We won't listen.