I can see a nail-scared hand reaching out for me, picking me up from the waves and he graves of the sea, which is a monstrous devil with talons and clutch,
Imbedded in my skin, it's pierced and such,
Shredding flesh, death, demise,
Compromised in pain, devoured in lusting shame,
Musical notes of horror in the air, floating around in the sky somewhere,
A reaper with the sickle, blood-stained and trickle, dripping down the blade,
A parade of skeletons, dead presidents who was laughing at the torture and the screams of fools,
Rotting decay, decrepit, dismay,
Plundering, blundered, blackness,
No sun rays of light,
Suicidal flight down two stories,
Glass-shattering night, splintering sliver, slicing and ripping,
Gnashing teeth marks imbedded,
Sanity is slipping,
An asylum the home, mind's freedom to roam,
Straps tied down, four padded walls, alone,
As I look unto the lies of life - what's on the other side'
My mind excites,
The fear of death is worse that death itself,
So plunges the knife,
Immortality now to dwell,
Dying, if I only grabbed a hold of it,
If I only grabbed a hold of it.