Stephen: Feel the friction, the world rubbin' up against the Christian/ Within him's conviction: resistance from itchin'/ there is no prevention, the itchin's persistent/ even when he gives in, it won't quit insistin'// He's tempted, bent to be a sinner since his entrance/ been givin' a sixth sense since the Spirit's imprint/ proof of the Master's use (oops, I'll bring it back in two)/ truth you can tap into and fruit you can sample dude// He fits the description, his sins now afflict him/ his Interest has switched his intentions for livin'/ His friends see the difference, his kin seem indifferent/ they each keep their distance, cause neither seem to get him// peeps think he's trippin', Easter and Christmas/ he speaks of forgiveness, and these peep his witness/ They sleep when he's spittin', he's a freak in thier vision/ But he'll reap in the end what only Jesus can give Him// (It's redemption)
Mark Arthur: It isn't at all deep, friction can cause heat/ as we get exposed to the letter, the closer the better/ We don't want it, if it's trouble, busting your whole bubble/ and keep playing to win, go to the goal from the huddle// Now if the truth isn't missing, that will produce friction/ then do what the song say, when sin rubs you the wrong way/ It can be hard to resist (though) God is in the midst/ (for the), men who start with a sinful heart// Heaven's where we're going, (the christian) 7th chapter of Romans/ though we're inclined to sin fam we dying to win/ Relieving words to the loss, merge and then pause/ pop the fly ball or catch a curve at the cross// Hard to crush, we guard what we trust/ keep stressing the clash and pray the pressure will pass/ We want you to see what is pure, Christ the king is the cure/ directly after the truth, please sample the fruit//
Anon: Like matches to flaps, a catalyst for the spark/ the Gospel of Light to hearts left in the dark// comparisons are endless, adequacy is none/ let's change up the sequence, givin the truth to some// An opposition of foes, warring until the end/ suppose the law's on the left, on the right is sin// one is promising life, (but) really its bringing death/ the other's cloaked in the one, (while) bringing death in the text// a ministry of death, uh-uh, not in itself/ but inside, where sin thrives, showing man his help//less condition, positionally poor a pitiful status/ and then, CHRIST, will arrest the sin habit// and sin's damage, it's the Gospel of Grace/ which takes the treacherous lives and affords 'em Faith// So count it all joy, because the battle will cease/ discouragement aside, along with your unbelief//
Zae da Blacksmith: Eyo let's stop for a minute and give thought to the men who did/ Spectacular actions like Steve in Acts chapter 7 and/ Think about the way they went against the grain/ They would rather to be slain than to never preach his name// 'Martyrs' stoned and burned and earned bruises/ But the church grew strong through persecutions/ And who would have ever figured a factor to cause it/ Was opposition that made the friction that sparked it// Huh (pic click) get the picture peep the principle/ So you can see what it was meant and what it wasn't meant to do/ Friction isn't affliction to make you break or buckle though/ Eventually it can be used in exposing the suckers though// Yo, It's like refinement in a fire/ Or the life of a diamond before they'd mine him and buy him/ Cause (ching) iron sharpens iron through friction/ Proverbs 27:17 check the Scriptures//

The Forerunner EP
Artist: Stephen the Levite- The Appetizer
- Slept in
- Shrink Me Feat. Dot
- Shrink Me Not Ft Dot
- Friction Feat. Mark Arthur, Anon
- Friction Ft Mark Arthur Anon and Zae Da Blacksmith
- John the Baptist
- Membership (John the Boom-Baptist Remix)
- Membership John the Boom Baptist Remix
- Slept In?