I heard the alarm, snooze button, drool on my arm/ it's time wake up, I'm gonna be...wait, something feels wrong/ it's dead calm/, yo the kids must be in bed still sleepin', strange, turn my head, wait my wife's gone// I guess I'll have to wake the kid's up/ reach for the remote control and put on my slippers as I get up/ maybe she went to the store, she'll be back in minute I'm sure/ turn on the TV flip it to channel four// I leave the room and break a left at the hallway/ the floor creaks under my feet and a crayon breaks/ I look down and I see a picture of me/ it's a stick figure with "Daddy" written in blue underneath// my little girl is so sweet/ both of the kids take after their mother, I know they all love me/ maybe I'll go to church with 'em this week/ I know they'd like that, it might even be worth it to miss sleep// the door squeaks as I enter the room/ "rise and shine, it's time to get up and get ready for school!"/ hold up, I must be buggin' or somethin'/ either I'm dreamin' or the kids are missin' from their bunk beds// that doesn't make no sense, what's goin' on'/ wait, stay calm, maybe they both went with their mom/ I don't get it, I'm beginnin' to worry a little bit/ they didn't leave a note or nothin' plus I feel a little sick// I'm sure it's all under control/ let me just make sure they took the van as opposed to the Volvo/ as I gaze out the window/ I'm frightened and amazed to find that the both of the cars are visible// is that my alarm' Forgot, I hit the snooze/ back to the room to turn it off, somethin' on the news/ seems urgent, apparently people have disappeared/ all over the world and whole planet's in fear// It's a joke right' every channel the same story/ it's only a nightmare, I'll wake up in the morning/ it's not true, it can't be, it seems kinda like/ that thing my wife was tryin' to explain to me the other night// I think she called it the rapture/ she said Christ was comin' back like a thief in the night to snatch up/ all of those who believe in the Son of God/ and put their faith in the work that He completed on the cross// something like that, I don't quite remember all of it/ but I'm startin' to think it makes the most sense of all this/ I've gotta find that Bible she use to read/ maybe it can give me all of the information I need// 'cause, I see now that my wife was tryin' to warn, but it's my fault for dissin' and not listenin' before/ so now I'm glad that she spoke up/ 'cause now the minute I thought I was sleepin' was when I really woke up//