My Funeral Soundtrack
(2 Cor 4:17, Phil 3:10-11)
Steve: If my life is like a movie, then you can run this at the credits/ get ready for part two when a brother's resurrected/ mean while I'ma be styled and perfected/ in God's presence, learnin' grace and what true rest is// flesh deaded no struggles left to mess with/ no obsessions no devils left to test it/ no secular heads representin' for death, yeah/ the next dwellin' is much better than what I left kid// new mansion: the new body bought with the ransom/ all handsome, all eyes locked on the Lamb son/ the Son of Man hung on the cross savin' the damned from/ the penalty of sin all singin' a new anthem// all worship directed to God resurrected/ who stretched the heavens and left us in awe never sweatin'/ death treaded the devil is stomped where his head is/ and left pathetic, embarrassed and tossed in the septic// tank of the universe, flushed by the Son who/ was slain to undo the curse, crushed by the ones who/ He came to set free indeed God's wrath appeased now/ hanged just to see Him bleed y'all that's a mean crowd// now it's all over though the scars still remain so/ John calls Jehovah Oshua the Lamb slain, yo/ consider that, God in the flesh, for eternity/ He didn't take it off when He left, so even currently// God rocks humility even at His throne, through/ all of His abilities His meekness is shown dude/ it's bugged right' we'll be eternally bugged out/ Man I'm ready to go God can pull the plug now// Nevertheless like Paul I abide in the flesh for y'all/ to go wherever I'm lead till God calls/ so whether alive or the body falls/ where I'm headed is better and Christ is glorified in all//
Hook: When I die you can play this: life isn't over but the pain is/ that's what the home goin' of a saint is/ y'all give Him praises, the Most High God won't betray us/ His promise is solid as the pavement// When I die say this: life isn't over but the pain is/ that's what the home goin' of a saint is/ y'all give Him praises, the Most High God won't betray us/ His promise is solid as the pavement//
Steve: Wait just a second, we still got a lot of promises left kid/ it doesn't rest at death, heaven and resurrection/ next there's a wedding', reception the elect come/ to fellowship in heaven before Armageddon// Christ treading' the wine presses, the vine threshing/ with divine weapon, and I'm present with my brethren/ we ride dressed in white linen, the sight's sick' in'/ when the sky splits, the Christ hits and life's' different// this is a common topic among prophets/ a time when the temple of God is where God lives/ and all Gentiles from afar will come to honor Him/ with offerings of contrite hearts and praise followin'// Did I mention Him splittin' the Mountain of Olivet/ temple issues sendin' a fountain through all of it/ hittin' the valley of Shittim, no drownin' He'll water it/ fishermen gettin' it in wit' astoundin' amount of fish// about a thousand years pass Satan's let loose to/ fool nations in all places and set troops a/round the empire of God and His brethren/ devoured when fire is called down from heaven// Satan's tossed in the lake of fire where the Beast/ and the False Prophet bake desiring relief/ Then God judges the dead, it's called the second death when the/ dead, death and Hades are left in Gehenna// New Heaven, New Earth plus a New Jerusalem/ old Heaven and Earth consumed to make room for them/ No sorrow or pain and all things are new again/ the city's square footage equivalent to the moon my friend// God Himself is dwelling among men/ there's no temple and no sunlight 'cause they're both Him/ I'm only scratchin' the surface, read the Book/ and when you get hyped, help me sing the hook//

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- my funeral s soundtrack
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