(Heb 12:1-4, Phil 3:13-14, Rom 12:1-2)
Steve: Ayo, this walk is the path of resistance, no passive existence/ will last, if your Christian your Dad is insistin'/ on havin' us listen and passin' the mission/ so cats who were distant can add to the witness// graspin' the vision and actin' consistent/ passionate livin' for the Master who risen/ we ask for conviction, smashin' our sins/ and attackin' addictions that trapped us in prison// back with a vengeance unmaskin' the temptin'/ and slashin' wit' scripts in the fashion He mentioned/ His fastin' was endin', clashin' begins and/ He snatches the win with the last "it was written"// lackin' in wisdom' cast your petitions/ holdin' fast that it's given and He'll act in provision/ we're mad to the system, they laugh at us dissin'/ but after redemption all of that will be switchin'//
eric: no more lookin' behind us when you find us, we're be livin' righteous/ (oh, turnin' from sin) we got a brand new way of existence through repentance, we've been givin' redemption/ (cause we're dying to live again)
Steve: Daily we're dyin' and facin' the I AM/ amazed with the triumph he made when He rised from/ the grave, the price of his blameless divine blood/ paid just to buy us, the Savior defines love// grace under fire, shapin' the life of/ His saint who at times was a slave to desires/ flames of his mind's lust ragin' inside, tucked/ away in his pride but the blaze is retired// patience inspired, thanks to Messiah/ who, forsakin' his life for the sake of his bride was/ to wait for His time, un-swayed by the times, un/shaken, despisin' the shame, sacrifice hung// savin' his wife from enslavement, the prize of/ his payment, eyes of the Maker see "righteous"/ praises to Christ 'cause He's gracious and died to/ make us alive plus erase stuff behind us//
eric: no more lookin' behind us when you find us, we're be livin' righteous/ (we'll be givin' honor (') to you) we got a brand new way of existence through repentance, we've been givin' redemption/ (persevere 'till the end)
Steve: There's no stoppin' or movin' me, Ak, I'm pursuing/ the God who pursued me and copped me and wooed me/ agape consuming me, lost in His beauty/ I'm shocked and confused by the cost of the new me// dropping my doings to follow where you lead/ is not such a duty when I think of you bleedin'/ mocked by the Jews beat and socked by the troops seen/ as God by the few these forgot when they cruci//fied you I'm truly in awe it behooves me/ to offer to you me and die though I do breathe/ my mind you renewing my body your using/ I holler you truths being honored you'd choose me// often they boo these unpopular views we/ don't stop only fools be denyin' or snoozing/ we gotta keep moving this gospel we do preach/ not just for Jews, Greeks are offered it too// keep it hot
eric: no more lookin' behind us when you find us, we're be livin' righteous/ (we're dying to live again, yes) we got a brand new way of existence through repentance, we've been givin' redemption/ (and we're gonna persevere until the very end)
Obedient to Him, turnin' away from sin/ no longer livin' for self, we're livin' for Him/ cause He alone is worthy, yes He is/ He's worthy, of our obedience/ yeah'

to die is gain
Artist: Stephen the Levite- BnA part B
- to die is gain
- Die Is Gain
- my life s soundtrack
- My Life
- My Life's Soundtrack
- KnA
- the darkness
- to resist from darkness
- resistance
- Resistance Ft. Eric
- En Trance
- En:trance
- QnA
- stained glass windows
- Stained Glass Window
- the choir
- spark
- the legacy
- The Legacy Ft. Muzeone
- DnA
- disconnected
- Disconnected Ft. Shai Linne
- statutes of liberty
- night light
- Night Light Ft. Iz-real, Muzeone
- fuzz duckaz
- Fuzz Duckaz Ft. Ant, Ackdavis
- my funeral s soundtrack
- My Funeral
- My Funeral's Soundtrack
- BnA part A
- RnA
- (bonus) Rna