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Album Tracks
Joy on Earth
Artist: Taiz?- Laudate Dominum
- Wait for The Lord
- Alleluia 17, with verses from Psalm 27 (26)
- Reading (John 15, 9-11)
- We Adore You, Lord Jesus Christ (Adoramus te o Christe)
- Kyrie eleison 17
- There Can Be No Greater Love (Grande est ta bont?)
- There Can Be No Greater Love - Grande est ta bont?
- Prayer by Brother Roger
- Heavens Sing With Gladness (Jubilate Coeli)
- Heavens Sing With Gladness - Jubilate Coeli
- Stay With Me (Bleibet Hier)
- Stay With Me - Bleibet Hier
- Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison
- Glory to God In the Highest (Gloria Deo)
- Glory to God In the Highest - Gloria Deo
- Apostles
- Apostles' Creed - Credo
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus Dominus Deus)
- Holy, Holy, Holy - Sanctus Dominus Deus
- Dying You Destroyed Our Death (Anamn?se - Veni Domine)
- Dying You Destroyed Our Death - Anamn?se - Veni Domine
- Our Father
- Agnus Dei - Dona nobis pacem (Grant Us Peace, Lord)
- Agnus Dei - Dona nobis pacem - Grant Us Peace, Lord
- Jesus the Lord Is Risen (Surrexit Dominus Vere)
- Jesus the Lord Is Risen - Surrexit Dominus Vere
- Where There Is Charity (Ubi Caritas Deus ibi Est)
- Where There Is Charity - Ubi Caritas Deus ibi Est
- Veni Sancte Spiritus
- Our Soul Is Waiting (Notre ?me attend le Seigneur)
- This Is the Day (Psallite Deo)
- Let Your Servant Now Go In Peace (Nunc Dimittis)
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