Look at you shake, I can see it on your face - why are you so afraid'
Looking down, for much too long, on the masses you're here to serve,
Established as such, but never as much as the voice of the people's word,
Decisions of war and who needs thinking for - it's a kiss-up to the one percent and dismissal of the poor,
You don't even live by the laws you give; your welcome here is wearing thin.
Our fear.
Palms to the sky, wait to be filled, raised in surrender under the breaking of wills,
Deserted, diverted, left to rot and to die,
You've used us, abused us, all your promises - lies.
From history books and the twisted schools, we've been taught to question you was betrayal,
That you would never think of us as beneath you, and to question you would mean to fail,
But hope we've received, through God and we believe,
He remembers the afflicted, and his justice will be seen,
Though so many have yet to receive his light, soon they will know the message of Christ - life.
Your fear
The stirring within us has opened our eyes,
Surely God above breathes the breath of new life,
Though you'd rather we looked to ourselves, God will be our source of power,
World we will tell.
Your fear is our hope.