You're up in my face, spitting and screaming,
Your composure is gone...gone away,
Calling me, "Fool," the insults abounding,
And you're shocked to find my mind hasn't changed,
You say God's for the weak, if he exists to punish man for the wrongs he has done,
You're simply a hindrance to those who are seeking,
In the instance of your pride you've overlooked his love.
How could you be so very wrong'
Can't stop thinking it's true,
How could you miss it all along'
The sucker was you.
Allow for that possibility, like you would expect from me,
Could the wrong one...could it be you'
Is God not what you assume'
"Don't stereotype, don't generalise me; I alone represent myself" - but it's okay for you to do that to me'
Could it be that you don't know me quite that well'
You live double-standard: the law of convenience, such as the right to freedom of speech,
Name any religion, you'll take the lecture...but you'll pull the plug once Jesus Christ is preached'
How could you be so very wrong'
Can't stop thinking it's true,
How could you miss it all along'
The sucker was you.
Allow for that possibility, like you expect from me,
Could the wrong one...could it be you'
Is God not what you assume'
"It's okay to speak beliefs, as long as I agree,
Censorship is wrong, but only if you censor me,
Open to the truth, accepting of change, but not if that means repentance, because they're really not the same."
You've taken my God and attempted to turn him into something you know he is not,
Place a lie here and another one there, then you've got a god with whom you can find fault,
But the fact still remains: the flowers still fade, God is true forever more,
If you would open your heart and honestly seek, he would open your eyes and you would know the truth.
How could you be so very wrong'
Can't stop thinking it's true,
How could you miss it all along'
The sucker was you.
Allow for that possibility, like you would expect from me,
Could the wrong one...could it be you'
Is God not what you assume'