Let's deal the cards again
It's trickery at its worst
Your bluff is called
I see your eyes
You lied to me, and now I'm all in
Hey bartender grab me a chair,
I've got some business to settle
Hey, how y'all doing'
I don't know where I'm going, but I know where I've been
I've spent so many days trying to find my way back home
I get so lost so many times before, but I think I've finally found my place
I'm done with it, and there's nothing you can say to bring me back to it.
Don't mess up, one single time
You may never get the chance again
Don't mess up one single time
You may never be the same again
Don't mess up, even for a second
You may never get the chance again
I see you by the table
It's time to show you these cards
You've failed to figure out that I can see right through your lies
Now I've got the upper hand
You've mistaken me for someone I used to be, but your trickery, it has failed
Trickery will never defeat me
Don't mess up one single time
Don't mess up one single time
You may never be the same again
Don't mess up, even for a second
You may never get the chance again
I don't know where I'm going, but I know where I'm at
I've spent so many days trying to find my way back home.
I was tricked once, but I won't be tricked again
There's a cheater in the house, and I won't stand for it anymore
You'll never get a chance to take my money again
Hey y'all, we've got a cheater in the house
You're not getting away with your trickery
Sheriff, it's time you got him
I'm taking back all that is mine
Sheriff, why not show this guy to the door'