Sidelines, you are the worst
I've hated you all of these years
I never got a chance to be on your team
Day after day, year after year
I saw them come, I saw them go
Through it all we stayed the same
You say, 'We're too close to be anything more.'
I say, 'How would you know''
You think you know me way too well for love
Dreams, you are the worst
I've hated you all of these nights
I tell everyone that I know, 'I don't remember a single one.'
But the truth is, I've had the same dream all of these nights, and it won't ever go away
Please, go away
You think you know me way too well for love
You think you know me when you know my favorite bands and who my favorite singer is
You think you know me when you know what time I go to bed because work starts early
You think you know me when you call me in the middle of the night and know I'll answer because I always do
You think you know me.
But you don't, because if you did then you'd know you haven't seen nothing yet
I don't want to be left on the sidelines
You say, 'We're too close to be anything more.'
But how would you know when you've only seen me on the sidelines'
You haven't seen nothing yet